Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kids, Beware of Student Loans!!!

I really wish I had taken college more seriously when I was right out of high school.  But I can't go back and change that now.

I am really glad I did go back to school.  I only wish I had not taken out those STUPID student loans.  I swear, they will haunt me for the rest of my natural life!  I took out the loans looking at a great and prosperous future.  I never knew I would fall in love with and marry a man whose career would make it virtually impossible to work hospital shifts.  I am not blaming my husband, it is not his fault.  I LOVE working in the hospital.  The shifts are detrimental to my family, however.  My kids hate it.  It makes it VERY hard for my husband to do his job.

I do love staying at home and being here when my kids get home from school.  But, it certainly does not make the student loan payments!!  I am trying desperately to find a legitimate work from home opportunity, so if any of you have any ideas, send them my way.  At the prompting of John, I have even considered becoming a gunsmith!  LOL---I know, right?  What a laugh!

If your kids are considering student loans, please have them talk to me.  You can defer, you can apply for extended terms, but ultimately, you DO have to pay them all back.  And it sucks!!  Take longer to get that  degree, whatever it takes, but DON'T fall off into the dark black hole of student loans.  You WILL regret it! I know I do.

Hugs and Love,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have 3 sons.  I love them all.  They are fantastic blessings from God.  But, I do understand why some animals eat their young. 

Jake--sweet, kind hearted, sensitive, stubborn and manipulative!!  He really knows how to work me.  On this journey to fitness, I made promises to my family and to myself.  This evening, as I sat in front of the toilet puking, Jake stood behind me tapping his foot on the floor demanding to go for a jog on this beautiful day.  "I have a headache, Jake" I told him.  "Come on, mom.  You can do it! You will feel better if you get out and jog."  "No, Jake.  I can't get rid of this headache and it is making me sick to my stomach."  A few minutes later, I walk into the living room and there sat Jake, crying (fake) and insisting that I am breaking my promise to him.  So, we went for a jog.  I puked all over Foxridge. 

Max--sweet, helpful, hard working, brown nosing.  I am not complaining, but he tells me about every 10 minutes how much he loves me.  It makes me wonder what he is up to.  Does that make me a bad mom?  John didn't get any Valentine's candy, and Billy didn't want to share.  But Max announces to the whole family that he doesn't need the candy as much as he needs his family, and that he is "hereby giving all candy of the Valentine persuasion to my dad!" In a really suck upish kind of way.  That bothers me.  I don't want him to grow up to be a butt kisser.

Billy--Well, Billy is just Billy.  He is a remarkable little boy, but he has such a temper!  Long story short, he came and got in bed with me the other morning. He announced "I love dad, Jake, Max, Gizmo and Johnny Cash, I love Tonna, Grandpa, Cole, Cade, Rhandyl, I love the Boy Scouts, I even love myself.  But I don't love you.  You make me mad."

I didn't think I would have to hear that until they were teenagers.  I was wrong. 

I am trying to eat a diet high in protein.  I wonder how much protein is in little boys?!  LOL

Love and Hugs,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Missing In Action!!

I have been missing in action for a while!  So sorry.  Nothing is wrong, just a lot going on.  A lot on my mind.  So much, in fact, that I couldn't even hold a thought!!

So, the first month of the 90 day fitness challenge is over and I was one of the top 2 losers!!  Yay me!  I did not reach my goals, though.  I think I expect too much of myself.  After all, I did not get this out of shape in 90 days, I certainly shouldn't expect to be in perfect swimsuit shape in 90 days, right?

I am thinking of trying P90X.  It looks so hard!  I can't even do one chin up or push up.  But, they say that doesn't matter.  By the end of the first 90 days of the program, I should be able to do some.  Baby steps, right?

If I do purchase this series, would any of you Amarillo folks like to join me?  I am still considering joining the ATC, but I really need to get good and focused and prove to myself and my husband that I am serious and that it will be money well spent.

Oh--and since I have been gone, I will say this.  The SuperBowl halftime show sucked the BIG one.  And anyone who sings the National Anthem before such an event should be able to sing it.  It is about the Anthem, not the performance Christina!  You should have NOT been paid after flubbing it up like that.

Okay, I feel better.

Hugs and Love,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dark Sweet Cherries

Since I am making an effort to eat healthier, I am eating more and more fruit.  I have always loved fresh fruit.  It is just so dang expensive!!  I bought some fresh frozen fruit the other day, though and I am pleasantly surprised.

Tonight, I made myself a treat.  Yesterday I mentioned using a Nectar chocolate shake to cure my hot chocolate craving.  Well, tonight I did another Nectar treat.  I made the chocolate shake with 12 ounces skim milk and a handfull of frozen sweet black cherries.  It was a nice creamy smooth yummy treat.  The kids even liked it!  This one will def. go on the make again list.  At only 128 total calories, I don't see where I can go wrong.

I hadn't had cherries in ages.  I had forgotten how good they really are!  The frozen fresh pineapple is yummy too.  But those cherries--WOW!!  It was so good I felt like I was cheating.  Tomorrow, I am going to use some of the cherries, crush them, add a little bit of fresh orange juice, and some chipotle pepper to make a dressing.  I am going to put it in a pita with turkey, avocado, lettuce and tomato with just a little bit of cheese.  I bet it will be so good.  I have made this dressing with raspberries, but the cherries are gonna be better.

I think I know why so many Americans are overweight.  It is because fresh produce is so expensive.  It is much more economical to buy processed, canned fruit and veggies.  I spent 140$ extra at the grocery store just buying fresh rather than canned.  I did buy the frozen to try them, as they are a little more affordable.  So my motto will be fresh before frozen, frozen before canned, and canned only as a last resort.

I will have to be a little more diligent this summer about canning and freezing our garden produce.  If I had done better, we would still have some.  But, I just threw most of it away.  I got tired of looking at it and cleaning it.  Bad Laurie, bad bad Laurie!!  LOL.  Lesson learned.

Hugs and Love,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside!!

And I don't mean just a little chilly, either!!  We didn't get much snow--it was really more like little bits of white sand than snow.  But the wind.  Good Golly Miss Molly!! 

I didn't get out at all today.  Not even to the front porch!  The kids got a ride to school from John's dad, and they ride the school bus home.  They were so mad at me this morning when I was getting them ready to go.  I packed blankets in their backpacks.  What for? they asked.  "In case the bus has trouble. Get the blanket out and stay warm."  Guess what?  The bus did have trouble.  But fortunately they were still at the school and go to go back inside.  They don't think I'm so stupid now!  But oh my goshness were they cold when they got to the house!!  I made the Turkey Chili from the recipe I posted on FB for supper, and it was perfect!!

John is in Kansas.  He is going to have to work outside all day tomorrow.  Wind chills at -30.  I am worried about him.  Please keep him in your prayers tomorrow.  I have given strict instruction to stay outside for no longer than 20 minutes at a time.  I hope he minds me!!

What does all this have to do with my journey to fitness and better health?  Not much, really.  Except that usually I would have eaten a ton of "comfort" food on a day like today.  You know, hot chocolate, chips, sour cream, cheese with my chili, more hot chocolate, maybe do some baking.  But today, nu uh.  I did crave hot chocolate so I tried something.  Not sure I will do it again, though.  I had some Nectar in the chocolate flavor.  Nectar is a whey protein powder people use as a supplement when on vlcd.  I mad it with hot water rather than water and ice like I normally would.  Not bad, but not great either.  I don't drink the Nectar regularly, but I do keep it around to help me when I have a chocolate craving.  Chocolate, used to I could take it or leave it.  As I get older, I really WANT it.  And I like the dark stuff now too.  Weird, I know.  But hey!  I can't help it.

Month 2 of the 90 day fitness challenge is all mine.  I have the momentum, I have seen some positive movement on the scales and I am in the right frame of mind.  Thank you all for your continued support.  If you see me out and about, give me a compliment--that will help keep me honest!  LOL

Hugs and Love,