Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside!!

And I don't mean just a little chilly, either!!  We didn't get much snow--it was really more like little bits of white sand than snow.  But the wind.  Good Golly Miss Molly!! 

I didn't get out at all today.  Not even to the front porch!  The kids got a ride to school from John's dad, and they ride the school bus home.  They were so mad at me this morning when I was getting them ready to go.  I packed blankets in their backpacks.  What for? they asked.  "In case the bus has trouble. Get the blanket out and stay warm."  Guess what?  The bus did have trouble.  But fortunately they were still at the school and go to go back inside.  They don't think I'm so stupid now!  But oh my goshness were they cold when they got to the house!!  I made the Turkey Chili from the recipe I posted on FB for supper, and it was perfect!!

John is in Kansas.  He is going to have to work outside all day tomorrow.  Wind chills at -30.  I am worried about him.  Please keep him in your prayers tomorrow.  I have given strict instruction to stay outside for no longer than 20 minutes at a time.  I hope he minds me!!

What does all this have to do with my journey to fitness and better health?  Not much, really.  Except that usually I would have eaten a ton of "comfort" food on a day like today.  You know, hot chocolate, chips, sour cream, cheese with my chili, more hot chocolate, maybe do some baking.  But today, nu uh.  I did crave hot chocolate so I tried something.  Not sure I will do it again, though.  I had some Nectar in the chocolate flavor.  Nectar is a whey protein powder people use as a supplement when on vlcd.  I mad it with hot water rather than water and ice like I normally would.  Not bad, but not great either.  I don't drink the Nectar regularly, but I do keep it around to help me when I have a chocolate craving.  Chocolate, used to I could take it or leave it.  As I get older, I really WANT it.  And I like the dark stuff now too.  Weird, I know.  But hey!  I can't help it.

Month 2 of the 90 day fitness challenge is all mine.  I have the momentum, I have seen some positive movement on the scales and I am in the right frame of mind.  Thank you all for your continued support.  If you see me out and about, give me a compliment--that will help keep me honest!  LOL

Hugs and Love,