Monday, January 31, 2011

I Hate Cancer And I Love God

My oldest son Jake is a 7 year cancer survivor.  Yet he is only 10 years old.  In December, he lost one of his friends from summer camp to cancer.  Last week we got word that one of his favorite counselors from camp is now all out of treatment options.

My children are devastated.  Again.  They pray for their friend and tonight I listened as Max cried himself to sleep.  Cancer knows no stranger.  Cancer can attack anyone, anytime, at any age.  It is the master of deception.  It is evil.  But, it tends to bring people closer in their relationships with each other and with their Lord.

This young man is very private.  He doesn't want anyone to make a big deal out of this.  He doesn't want any special treatment, parties, fundraisers, public outpouring of love and support.  Nothing.  He simply wants his life to continue to be as "normal" as possible.

I am asking anyone who reads my blog to pray for Connor.  His sister has asked that we pray for the following:  pray for his continued strength in faith and spirit and pray that he is finding a peace and excitement to be with his Lord.

I am fortunate to have all 3 of my kids alive and healthy.  More fortunate than most people even realize.  I sometimes wonder why I am so lucky and others have lost or are losing their children.  I am learning to not question God's plan, and when I don't understand I just have to accept.

As far as my journey to health goes, I am not losing weight as fast as I would like, but my mental health is improving!!  By that I mean I am feeling better about things that have bothered me for years.  Things that have held me back.  And to think, it all started after my friend inspired me to pray for myself.

Hugs and Love,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Have The BEST Family EVER!!

Today's post will be quite simple!  I have the best family EVER!!  Many of you know my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc....  Some of you know my husband and children.  Keep in mind that I do not work outside of our home.  I stay here and care for my children, do homework, cook, laundry, all the things moms do.  John works his butt off every single day.

Guess who got to sleep in this morning?  Yep, I did.  Guess who got breakfast in bed?  Yep, me too!  Guess who got out the bikes and cleaned them up to go riding?  Not me!  Guess who is cooking supper?  Not me either!!  Yes, I am one lucky lady.  And I know it!!

As if all that were not enough, my kids are awesome too!  Normally I would not brag on them for fighting.  But today, they were fighting over who got to watch a movie with me in my room.  They fought over who could help me put away the laundry.  They also fought over who I love the most.  I have spent the majority of the day trying to explain that I love them all differently but equally.  They all are different, therefore they need a different kind of love.  I am not quite sure they understood me.  One thing I know for sure though, they DO know I LOVE THEM!!

Hugs and Love,

Friday, January 28, 2011

Journey To A Healthier Me!!: First Month Down

Journey To A Healthier Me!!: First Month Down: "Well, the first month of the 90 day fitness challenge is over. I was only able to work out 1 and 1/2 weeks during the month. I t..."

First Month Down

Well, the first month of the 90 day fitness challenge is over.  I was only able to work out 1 and 1/2 weeks during the month.  I tried to stick to a healthy diet, though.  Except for the beginning of this week, I did really good.  So, drumroll please..................................I have lost 16 pounds in 1 month.  I have not taken my measurements yet, though.

In the beginning, I vowed to eat only what God makes.  MAN!!  I didn't realize how much stuff we consume that is processed!  I found that nearly impossible for our families lifestyle, so I have done the following:  No flour, no added salt or sugar, no artificial sweeteners.  I tried no caffeine, but that left me with a ginormous headache.  I will have to taper off of the caffeine.  It is like a drug for me!!

Took the last of my anticoagulation therapy this week, starting an aspirin regime tomorrow.  I get to get back on the workout bandwagon tomorrow too.  Just in time for the ice storm we are supposed to get next week!!  I will have to break out some work out dvd's I guess.

The things I have learned so far:
I am human, and I will from time to time
I have more courage than I ever realized
I have fantastic friends
My family loves me unconditionally
Even though I don't feel like I deserve it, God does love me
Amber was right, I feel better and this feels less like a "challenge" and more like a "way of life" when I include God

 Jealous?  Don't be.  Just join me!!  Oh--the turkey chili recipe I posted on FB yesterday is delicious!!  Made it today.  I am just so excited to get back on track!!

Hugs and Love,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Amber Might Be On To Something! I Forgot To Mention God In My Plan!!

My friend Amber is following my blog.  She posted a comment regarding yesterday's blog post.  I have been thinking about her post.  I think Amber might be on to something!

You see, I posted all the things I will do to stay focused, to increase my stamina, to be successful on my journey to a more fit me.  I posted all the reasons why I wanted to be more fit and healthy.  I asked all my friends and family for their support and encouragement.  But not ONE time did I EVER mention God.

I call myself a Child Of God, but do I really live it?  I have asked everyone out there to help and support me on this journey.  But not ONE time have I prayed about the journey.  I pray about a lot of things.  But I have NEVER prayed for myself.  I pray for complete strangers.  I pray for my family.  I pray for my country.  I have never prayed for myself.  I wonder why?

Sometimes I feel like I am not worthy of God's love.  I have made so many mistakes in my life.  Mistakes that cost the people I love the most so much.  And I am not talking just about money.  Many of you know what I am referring to.  I have never forgiven myself for any of that.  Fortunately, He has forgiven me.  I don't think that I will ever completely forgive myself.   For now, that just has to be okay.

From this day forward, I will pray for myself each day.  I will pray that God helps me to be the wife and mother my husband and children deserve.  That I am the daughter my parents deserve and that I am the sister my brothers and new sister in law deserve.  I pray that I am the kind of friend that everyone wants, and that I will be strong enough to continue to put the needs of others' before my own.  I will also pray that God will lead me on my journey to fitness.

I want all of me to be fit.  Not just my physical body, but my spiritual body as well.  I should have realized sooner that it is okay to pray for myself.  I just never really thought about it.

Thank you Amber for your example.  Friends, please pray with and for me.

Hugs and Love,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


If you think time and goals aren’t critical to your success, then think of the moments when you've heard people make general comments such as, "I'm going on a diet ," "I'm going to start working out " or "I'm going to lose weight." These are all generic declarations with no time frame and no specific goal. The result: failure.

I made these same statements when I first started the 90 day challenge.  Hell, who am I kidding?  I have made these same statements on a regular basis for most of my adult life.  I have had a little health issue going on the last couple of weeks, and I have used it as an excuse to not do "right".  I have had a MAJOR pitty party yesterday and today.  The price I will pay?  Simple==I will most likely gain back the 13 pounds I lost in the first 2 weeks of the challenge.  UNACCEPTABLE!!

So, what am I going to do about this?  Me, myself and I.  This is no one's fault but my own.  There is no one or nothing to blame for my fat and unfit self but me, myself and I.

I went to the doctor today and I will be released to begin exercising again on Saturday.  I wish I was excited about it, but I am not.  I really don't like working out.  But, one of my goals for the 90 day challenge was to reach a point where I actually do enjoy exercise.  I hear people talk about "loving" their workouts, but I myself have never experienced that.

So, here it is.  My workout plan.  My 9 and 10 year old sons will be participating with me.  They will keep me honest. 

I am not a personal trainer or fitness guru of any kind.  I am a mom and wife who is sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I have used the past couple of weeks as an excuse to read about exercise since I have been unable to actually exercise!!  The goal for the workout is to stimulate  metabolism as efficiently as possible in a four-week time frame. I will accomplish this by varying duration, level of intensity and change of workout protocol. I am gonna call it the "GUT BUSTER WORKOUT"

1. Longer duration/moderate intensity (week 1 and 2) -- This cardio method is based on keeping an elevated heart rate but not working so hard you're short of breath. I will be doing 40-45 minutes of power walking or light jogging. I will do this a minimum of 4 days per week. I will try to maintain a heart rate of approximately 70 to 75 percent.
2. Interval Training (weeks 3 and 4) -- I will do this a minimum of 4  days per week. Interval training is best described as incorporating higher intensity exercise with lower intensity ones. It helps stimulate and speed the metabolism. Intervals can be applied to any form of cardiovascular exercise.
The beauty of interval training is that you don't have to work out for long periods.

 I don't do treadmills.  They make me dizzy.  Not really sure why, but they do.  So, I will use this sample protocol I found online but I will be jogging on a sidewalk (or riding my bike), not on a treadmill.

The following is a protocol for interval training using the treadmill as an example:

  • Warm-up for 5 minutes at light speed level

  • On the 6th minute, increase to 4.0 mph (light jog)

  • On the 7th minute, increase to 5.0 mph

  • On the 8th minute, increase to 7.5-8.0 mph (this should be an all-out sprint)

  • For the next 2 minutes (minutes 9 and 10), return to 3.0 mph

  • Repeat each of those phases two additional times, but increase the level of intensity 1 mile per hour on each phase.

  • Cool down for 5 minutes at 3.0 mph.

  • In this example, you are to perform three cycles of higher intensity training. If you're at a more advanced fitness level, then you'll need to adjust the speeds accordingly to make sure the intensity is somewhat demanding at the higher levels.

    I do better when I can reach my goals.  So, I need to set shorter goals for myself.  This is a 4 week routine.  My initial goal:  To be able to complete the high intensity workout without throwing up!! Seriously--I am so out of shape that not throwing up is a realistic goal for me.

    At the end of each 4 weeks, I plan to "up the ante" a bit.  How? By increasing the length of workouts.  By adding hills to my runs. By strapping on ankle weights. Whatever it takes.

    So, where does the title "Procrastination=Failure" come into play?  Well, that is all I have ever done.  I have procrastinated.  I have said I would and never did do anything!!  Not this time.  Nope, I have told my sons.  They will literally make me miserable if I don't get up and go.  Tell a kid you are going to do something with them and then try to get out of it.  Go ahead, I dare you!!  Plus, I have thrown it out there to the world.  If I don't do it, and people don't start to see me running in the streets and shrinking in size, they are going to ask me how it's going.  What am I supposed to do?  Lie to the WHOLE WORLD?  I don't think so.  I have no choice.  I have to do it.  Not just for the sake of not being laughed at, but for the sake of my children and husband and for the sake of my own health.  Here's to me!! 

    Oh!  One final thing...Any of my Amarillo peeps wanna join me?  Let me know!!  I would love to have someone else holding me accountable for my actions!!

    Hugs and Love,

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    A Life Lost.......So Senseless, So Tragic

    So I just found out that a friend's 14 year old niece took her own life last night.  Even though I did not know this little girl, I am still numb. 

    I have known a few people through the years that have taken their own lives.  My first experience was in high school.  A good friend shot and killed himself on his birthday.  What makes a person feel so alone?  So helpless? So worthless?  What is so bad that with the support of your friends, family and most importantly God, you cannot recover from?  Sure, you may not have the "problem" if you are dead, but think of those that are left behind to mourn you.  I don't understand it now, and I most likely never will.

    One thing I know for sure is that we all tend to take life for granted.  We tend to take our family for granted.  I have tried to be better about this since Jake's illness.  But, unfortunately, I still fall into that same old rut from time to time.

    If you are reading this, stop right now and go find your children.  No matter how old they are.  Tell them that you love them.  Tell them that no matter what they have done, or how bad things seem, you will ALWAYS love them regardless.  Encourage them to talk to you, your spouse, an aunt or uncle, grandparent, ANYONE.  Just don't keep it all inside of you.

    For those of you who don't have a personal relationship with God, get yourself one!  It is easy.  He loves you like no one else ever could.  You have to experience it to fully comprehend what I am talking about.  If you don't know how or where to meet Him, hollar at me.  I would be most happy to make the initial introduction.

    If you read my previous post about living your life only for yourself, you might agree with me about this one thing:  This tragic event is a result of a society programmed to live their lives only for themselves.  Yes, I said it.  Suicide is selfish.  I don't care how old you are, you should know better.  I am NOT blaming the family, the kids at school, anything like that.  I am saying that this happened because someone thought not about others, but only about themselves.  Tragic.

    What If We All Did That?

    Okay--I know this blog is supposed to be about me and my journey to fitness, but I have something else on my mind today.  I read a post on FB today that has me bothered.  It said, "Only live you life to please yourself".

    Maybe I  took that statement too literally.  Seriously, though.  What if everyone did just that.  What if everyone lived their life only to please themselves?  Isn't our society already selfish enough?  What kind of economical hardships would our country be facing if this was the attitude of every single American?  Not to mention every single human being in the whole world!  I tell my kids all the time to always try their hardest.  "You don't have to be perfect!" I say.  Sure, I would like for them to make the BEST grades, and be the FASTEST at the track meet and make the MOST baskets or tackles, etc......  But in the end all I really want is for them to be happy, healthy, well adjusted adults.  Good parents and good husbands.  Mostly, though, all I really want is to raise good, decent and kind human beings.

    There are a lot of children on FB.  I know.  My son has his own FB account.  He is very impressionable.  What if he read that statement and took it literally.  And decided to do just that.  What if he said "To hell with everyone else, I don't like long division and I am not going to do it.  It doesn't make me happy!" 

    Maybe everyone should start to live their lives as if every single person in the world is looking at them as an example.  Maybe we should all strive to set an example for every single human being on the face of this Earth.  An example of kindness, love and understanding.  An example of what it means to be a good and decent human being.  What if we all decided to live by the golden rule?  What if we all decided to treat others exactly how we want to be treated ourselves? Would our world be improved?  I think so.  What do you think?

    What if we all did THAT instead!?

    Hugs and Love, Laurie

    Friday, January 21, 2011

    Sharing Myself With The World.......Kind Of Scary!!

    Blogging--kind of like keeping a diary, right?  Well NOT!!  A diary is private and personal.  A blog on the other hand, is out there in cyberspace for anyone and everyone to read.  To "hear" your thoughts, secrets, desires.out

    I am going to Blog.  About myself mostly, but also about my family.  You see, I have been living in a unhealthy body for quite some time now.  I have decided to once and for all change that.  I am on a journey to become fit and healthy.  I intend to lose the fat and inches and regain my self esteem.  I want to be as healthy as I can be.  My children and my husband deserve that.  I deserve that.  There will be obstacles along the way.  I am sure I will fail from time to time.  But I am NOT going to give up!!

    Follow me.  Support me.  Make fun of me, I really don't care.  Maybe you will learn from my mistakes and my successes.  My first goal:  Eating as healthy and as PURE as I can!!  We'll see!!