Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have 3 sons.  I love them all.  They are fantastic blessings from God.  But, I do understand why some animals eat their young. 

Jake--sweet, kind hearted, sensitive, stubborn and manipulative!!  He really knows how to work me.  On this journey to fitness, I made promises to my family and to myself.  This evening, as I sat in front of the toilet puking, Jake stood behind me tapping his foot on the floor demanding to go for a jog on this beautiful day.  "I have a headache, Jake" I told him.  "Come on, mom.  You can do it! You will feel better if you get out and jog."  "No, Jake.  I can't get rid of this headache and it is making me sick to my stomach."  A few minutes later, I walk into the living room and there sat Jake, crying (fake) and insisting that I am breaking my promise to him.  So, we went for a jog.  I puked all over Foxridge. 

Max--sweet, helpful, hard working, brown nosing.  I am not complaining, but he tells me about every 10 minutes how much he loves me.  It makes me wonder what he is up to.  Does that make me a bad mom?  John didn't get any Valentine's candy, and Billy didn't want to share.  But Max announces to the whole family that he doesn't need the candy as much as he needs his family, and that he is "hereby giving all candy of the Valentine persuasion to my dad!" In a really suck upish kind of way.  That bothers me.  I don't want him to grow up to be a butt kisser.

Billy--Well, Billy is just Billy.  He is a remarkable little boy, but he has such a temper!  Long story short, he came and got in bed with me the other morning. He announced "I love dad, Jake, Max, Gizmo and Johnny Cash, I love Tonna, Grandpa, Cole, Cade, Rhandyl, I love the Boy Scouts, I even love myself.  But I don't love you.  You make me mad."

I didn't think I would have to hear that until they were teenagers.  I was wrong. 

I am trying to eat a diet high in protein.  I wonder how much protein is in little boys?!  LOL

Love and Hugs,

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