Tuesday, January 25, 2011


If you think time and goals aren’t critical to your success, then think of the moments when you've heard people make general comments such as, "I'm going on a diet ," "I'm going to start working out " or "I'm going to lose weight." These are all generic declarations with no time frame and no specific goal. The result: failure.

I made these same statements when I first started the 90 day challenge.  Hell, who am I kidding?  I have made these same statements on a regular basis for most of my adult life.  I have had a little health issue going on the last couple of weeks, and I have used it as an excuse to not do "right".  I have had a MAJOR pitty party yesterday and today.  The price I will pay?  Simple==I will most likely gain back the 13 pounds I lost in the first 2 weeks of the challenge.  UNACCEPTABLE!!

So, what am I going to do about this?  Me, myself and I.  This is no one's fault but my own.  There is no one or nothing to blame for my fat and unfit self but me, myself and I.

I went to the doctor today and I will be released to begin exercising again on Saturday.  I wish I was excited about it, but I am not.  I really don't like working out.  But, one of my goals for the 90 day challenge was to reach a point where I actually do enjoy exercise.  I hear people talk about "loving" their workouts, but I myself have never experienced that.

So, here it is.  My workout plan.  My 9 and 10 year old sons will be participating with me.  They will keep me honest. 

I am not a personal trainer or fitness guru of any kind.  I am a mom and wife who is sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I have used the past couple of weeks as an excuse to read about exercise since I have been unable to actually exercise!!  The goal for the workout is to stimulate  metabolism as efficiently as possible in a four-week time frame. I will accomplish this by varying duration, level of intensity and change of workout protocol. I am gonna call it the "GUT BUSTER WORKOUT"

1. Longer duration/moderate intensity (week 1 and 2) -- This cardio method is based on keeping an elevated heart rate but not working so hard you're short of breath. I will be doing 40-45 minutes of power walking or light jogging. I will do this a minimum of 4 days per week. I will try to maintain a heart rate of approximately 70 to 75 percent.
2. Interval Training (weeks 3 and 4) -- I will do this a minimum of 4  days per week. Interval training is best described as incorporating higher intensity exercise with lower intensity ones. It helps stimulate and speed the metabolism. Intervals can be applied to any form of cardiovascular exercise.
The beauty of interval training is that you don't have to work out for long periods.

 I don't do treadmills.  They make me dizzy.  Not really sure why, but they do.  So, I will use this sample protocol I found online but I will be jogging on a sidewalk (or riding my bike), not on a treadmill.

The following is a protocol for interval training using the treadmill as an example:

  • Warm-up for 5 minutes at light speed level

  • On the 6th minute, increase to 4.0 mph (light jog)

  • On the 7th minute, increase to 5.0 mph

  • On the 8th minute, increase to 7.5-8.0 mph (this should be an all-out sprint)

  • For the next 2 minutes (minutes 9 and 10), return to 3.0 mph

  • Repeat each of those phases two additional times, but increase the level of intensity 1 mile per hour on each phase.

  • Cool down for 5 minutes at 3.0 mph.

  • In this example, you are to perform three cycles of higher intensity training. If you're at a more advanced fitness level, then you'll need to adjust the speeds accordingly to make sure the intensity is somewhat demanding at the higher levels.

    I do better when I can reach my goals.  So, I need to set shorter goals for myself.  This is a 4 week routine.  My initial goal:  To be able to complete the high intensity workout without throwing up!! Seriously--I am so out of shape that not throwing up is a realistic goal for me.

    At the end of each 4 weeks, I plan to "up the ante" a bit.  How? By increasing the length of workouts.  By adding hills to my runs. By strapping on ankle weights. Whatever it takes.

    So, where does the title "Procrastination=Failure" come into play?  Well, that is all I have ever done.  I have procrastinated.  I have said I would and never did do anything!!  Not this time.  Nope, I have told my sons.  They will literally make me miserable if I don't get up and go.  Tell a kid you are going to do something with them and then try to get out of it.  Go ahead, I dare you!!  Plus, I have thrown it out there to the world.  If I don't do it, and people don't start to see me running in the streets and shrinking in size, they are going to ask me how it's going.  What am I supposed to do?  Lie to the WHOLE WORLD?  I don't think so.  I have no choice.  I have to do it.  Not just for the sake of not being laughed at, but for the sake of my children and husband and for the sake of my own health.  Here's to me!! 

    Oh!  One final thing...Any of my Amarillo peeps wanna join me?  Let me know!!  I would love to have someone else holding me accountable for my actions!!

    Hugs and Love,

    1 comment:

    1. Laurie,
      You can do this! I hope though that as you go...that you realize that you as a person are not defined by any number! You are defined by God. Bring God into this and I promise you will succeed! I have been working out at the Amarillo Town Club and it has been going great! I am not much on working out at home because then I won't do it! You will do awesome I know! Good Luck!
